My New Book! The Typescript Compiler API

I am proud to announce that my new book about The Typescript Compiler API is now available at!
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React Query Codegen from OpenAPI

Rapini is a new tool that can generate custom React Query hooks using OpenAPI (Swagger) files. The Command Line Interface (CLI) tool will take a path to an Open API file and generate a package that includes react hooks, typescript types and axios http requests - and this package is conveniently bundled in a way that it can be published to NPM or any other package registry of your choosing.
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Simple Remote Data in Typescript

Introducing Simple Remote Data (SRD), a Static Land compliant TypeScript library for managing state from remote sources. SRD’s top features are: Only 549 bytes minified and gzipped, that is ridiculously small! Built with Higher Kinded Types (HKT’s) to allow Typescript to infer these complex disjoint union types. Static Land compliant! Made for React or any other JS based frontend framework. What is a Remote Data type? A Remote Data type is a kind of discriminate union type in functional programming for managing the state of some data that is retrieved remotely and asynchronously, such as http response data, websockets, server sent events, reading a file, or any other async IO.
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Using TypeScript ADT’s to write more reliable React

You may have heard of Algebraic Data Types (ADT’s) before but didn’t understand how they can be applied to everyday code - so this article will provide some examples and explanations of why you should start using them. Before we get into ADT’s, let’s go over the foundation of what ADT’s are made of. Basic Types In Javascript, you can not declare a type that prevents other types from being assigned to it.
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Pratica, now fully in Typescript!

Pratica is now written completely in Typescript! What is Pratica? Pratica is a super tiny 720B monadic library, comparable to Crocks or Monet JS. Why would I use Pratica? If you want to start writing more functional code in Javascript or Typescript, this is a great library for learning some FP fundamentals, while also making your code safer and more resilient to runtime bugs. It’s super tiny size and easy to read dot-chaining syntax makes it easy to get started in any project.
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